opening hours

Mon - Thu
Fri - Sat

Online request

By filling out the form, you have the option to send us a reservation request.

Please note that a reservation has only been made after express confirmation by email or SMS. The request should be made no later than 24 hours before the desired reservation. Of course, we also try to process short-term inquiries to your satisfaction. For children's birthdays and larger contingents, you should allow for longer lead times.

For children's birthdays, the playing time is preset to 2 hours. This is the approximate playing time (2 games per child, which, depending on the number of children, last about 2 hours). For the entire stay including food and award ceremony for the children, please plan about 2.5 - 3 hours.

For short-term reservation inquiries, please call06 11/60 27 29 or on site.

Please understand that we cannot confirm a reservation in every case, as reservations are sent to us well in advance, especially on weekends and before public holidays. The reservation of lanes is only possible between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (game start). For inquiries after 8:00 p.m., we will be happy to put you on the waiting list without further notification.

We are also not immune from force majeure and errors. Therefore there is no legal right to a reservation.
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